Rollup of a Custom Docked PaletteSet Using .NET API
Set PaletteSet.RolledUp to false to roll up docked, hidden custom PaletteSet in AutoCAD,.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingMORE >>
Rollup of a Custom Docked PaletteSet Using .NET API
Set PaletteSet.RolledUp to false to roll up docked, hidden custom PaletteSet in AutoCAD,.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingFusion API: HTTP Request in Fusion 360 by Python
Code to post some parameters to server, submit current Fusion 360 file to server as file.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingHow to Retrieve Navisworks Model NWD or BIM Underlay Information in AutoCAD Through Programming
Code to read scale, rotation angle, insertion point, underlay reference path of NWD model though API.
AutoCAD Tutorials Navisworks Programming TutorialsHow to Convert Polyfacemesh to 3dSolid
Extract vertex, face information from pfmesh, construct subDMesh before converting this mesh object solid using convertToSolid API in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingCouple of Queries on Associative Action Body
Tips to determine if object has any associated action bodies, identify changed objects that triggered action body in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingExtracting XML Data of Selected Objects from Current Drawing Using .NET
Apply current AutoCAD drawing name, path in place of that of external file, create List<Handle> of selected objects to be assigned to API.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingCreating a Simple Polygon Mesh
Code to adjust vertex counts when AcDbPolygonMesh() constructor is used without any parameters in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingEmploy PdfDefinition.GetPersistentReactorIds API to obtain all references of PDF underlay definition in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingAdding Field to Attribute Value of a Block Inserted to Modelspace
Create drawing with block named ‘test’ containing circle having attribute definition to test AutoCAD code.
AutoCAD Tutorials ProgrammingAdding Custom Menu to AutoCAD Application Frame
Steps to create, add custom menu by replacing existing ‘MenuBar’ in AutoCAD.
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