STEP is newer technology, mature file format, tend to be solid models, while IGES files are more often surface models.
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STEP is newer technology, mature file format, tend to be solid models, while IGES files are more often surface models.
CAD SoftwareSurf the Software Licensing Tsunami
Strategies to consider while moving from perpetual to rental licensing: downscale software, curtail number of users, freeze version usage, change software products.
CAD Software123BIM Publisher Plug-in Empowers Engineers to Create Browser-Based Visualizations
3D modeling plug-in for AutoCAD Civil 3D, Bentley MicroStation users helps create interactive visualizations, accessible to any project stakeholder.
AEC CAD SoftwareThe Top 7 AutoCAD Alternatives
MicroStation PowerDraft, Chief Architect, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, SketchUp, ProgeCAD, BricsCAD, TurboCAD Pro Platinum, DesignCAD 3D Max v24, DraftSight, Vectorworks.
AutoCAD CAD SoftwareThe Great Debate: Mac or Windows
Autodesk introduces AutoCAD 2017 for Mac and AutoCAD LT 2017 for Mac.
AutoCAD CAD SoftwareTurn Baby Turn: MecSoft’s New RhinoCAM 2017
Look at new Windows-based VisualCAD/CAM 2017 standalone CNC programming software.
CAD SoftwareShapr3D for iPad Pro Adds Sketch Constraints, Dimensioning and More
Free for students, Shapr3D 2.0 offers refined workflow, Apple Pencil interface, redesigned layers, groups working, improved extrusion method.
CAD SoftwareZW3D 2017 Provides Improved Sheet Metal & CAM Modules
Enhancements to full, partial flange controls, new flat finishing operation, greater translator compatibility.
CAD SoftwareProductivity improvements, ability to switch to full screen mode, ISDX (Interactive Surface Design eXtension) to handle hybrid modeling.
CAD SoftwareBest CAD Gifts for Christmas 2016
Book: ‘AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013,’ Autodesk AutoCAD 360 Pro subscription, 3D Connexion SpaceMouse wireless, Q3D OneUp DIY 3D Printer Kit.
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