Adding the Diameter Symbol to Your AutoCAD Drawings
Select text editor ribbon tab to add diameter, visit character map dialog box to pick symbol of choice in AutoCAD drawing.
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Adding the Diameter Symbol to Your AutoCAD Drawings
Select text editor ribbon tab to add diameter, visit character map dialog box to pick symbol of choice in AutoCAD drawing.
AutoCAD TutorialsUsing the AutoCAD Property Line Helper to Automate Steps in AutoCAD
Employ Defpoints layer to parametrically constrain text to line properly.
AutoCAD TutorialsNew to AutoCAD 2017, Importing PDF files, Pt 2
Exploring ‘PDF data to import’ section of ‘import PDF’ dialogue box.
AutoCAD TutorialsThe Perils of AutoCAD’s PICKFIRST System Variable
Avoid turning off PICKFIRST system variable as it ignores functionality of many other commands in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD TutorialsNew to AutoCAD 2017, Importing PDF Files
Check ‘specify insertion point on-screen’ location option to position PDF any where within drawing area.
AutoCAD TutorialsCreating New by Example Sheet Set
Steps to use sheet set manager wizard in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD TutorialsCreating New Sheet Sets (Collecting Existing Drawings)
Select new sheet set type, set details, adjust sheet set properties, browse files, folders containing drawings to be added before prefixing sheet titles with file name in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Tutorials3D AutoCAD Tutorial: Create a 3D Piston
Start new drawing, use 2D drafting, annotations, 3D feature, RECTANG, TRIM, SUBSTRACT, COPY, EXTRUDE, REVOLVE, MOVE commands to create 3D piston in AutoCAD.
AutoCAD TutorialsHatch Gap Warning Circles Not Showing in AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2017
Update drivers with latest certified version, if problem persists check AutoCAD display options, turn off anti-aliasing feature to improve display.
AutoCAD TutorialsAutoCAD Tutorial: Grid, Snap and Ortho Settings
Steps to turn on, off grids, snapping, ortho lock using buttons as well as quick ‘F’ key options.
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