CAD Hardware Reviews

ITC vs Gstarsoft

ITC vs Gstarsoft

Q&A with Shawn Lindsay, legal counsel for ITC, Meiyu Huang, vice president of Suzhou Gstarsoft about things that Gstarsoft failed to do, accessing Gstarsoft legally in China, responding to ITC’s charges, responding wishes, paying fees to ITC, Ralph Grabowski, upFront.eZine News,

Features IntelliCAD

What’s Inside? IntelliCAD 8

What’s Inside? IntelliCAD 8

64-bit version for handling larger drawing files, using all available RAM, read, write files in native DWG 2013-2014 format, New dialog boxes for several commands, Advanced rendering component, Civil 3D API, Ralph Grabowski, WorldCAD Access,

Features IntelliCAD



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